Iftar Cheers

Iftar Cheers

After two years of muted celebration, the relaxation of SOP restrictions was finally announced, and many people flocked enthusiastically to spend the occasion, heralding what could be described as the “revenge Raya.” It was obvious that the vibes were heated up especially with Hari Raya Aidilfitri just around the corner.

Bringing the delicacy of Churrascaria from Brazilian Barbecue, Exy IP had surprised the team with Iftar Cheers. Although this is not the first time Exy IP has hosted such an event, this year’s Iftar which was held at Muito BOM, Bangsar was quite planned in a very unique way.

Of course, everyone was more than excited to dress in colors that matched the theme. Some were dressed in classic Kurung while some were seen to don the colorful dresses making it a vibrant feast to remember.

Iftar celebration is very identical to food and togetherness. Fresh dates, classic local desserts and signature rose milk drinks were served as refreshing appetizers followed by on-the-grill menus and various Ramadan buffets as the main course. It was such a prosperous night where only joyful laughter was heard. The essence of Ramadan is defined by the practice of fasting and restoring the soul with compassion by the act of kindness and togetherness. It was the perfect time for all the team to reconcile the connection and gathers for a nightly feast.

The perks of Ramadan in Exy IP were not only limited to wonderful cuisine. Quality time spent, the values instilled and the connection built are so precious that they are not easily obtained but only could be earned. After two years of quite a testing time, Exy IP has initiated a comprehensive paid time off policy to help the employees to embrace the Eid celebration. It is one of the perks for those who may need to leave early for Iftar preparation and also the Eid holidays. As Ramadan symbolizes togetherness, Iftar cheers have come as an opportune time for Exy IP’s team to encourage cultural diversity and appreciate not only Muslim employees but gather everyone as a whole.